Thursday, January 6, 2011

Favorite Reads of 2010

Happy New Year! Reflecting on readings from the past year, I realized there were two books that stood out for me as favorites of all that I read.

The Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge

I really appreciated the complexity of this book. Very reminiscent of Terry Prachett's Nation, but also unique. At times problematic and unexpectedly violent, this probably is not for everyone. The combination of fantasy, history, politics and imagination made this book stand out for me. The story follows a girl who may or may not be one of the "Lost" who can send their senses outside of their bodies. Issues of colonization, genocide, identity and politics weave throughout this fanciful tale of psychic abilities.

Smile by Raina Telgemeier

A simple slip with catastrophic results, Raina's two front teeth were knocked out of her mouth after tripping on the way to her front door. This autobiographical graphic novel follows years of orthodontia and dental surgeries. Surprisingly funny and heartfelt with occasionally cringe-inducing descriptions of medical procedures, this is a great introduction to the format for people who don't often read comics. And it is just a fun fast read which will make everyone want to smile.

What was your favorite book that you read last year? Post it here.


Jack Baur said...

I didn't manage to read NEARLY all of the books that I wanted to this past year, but there were more than a few books that I liked a lot. I loved the characters in John Green and David Levithan's Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I liked the stories in Zombies vs. Unicorns, but even more than that I liked the editors bickering over which was better in between the stories. Violence 101 was a well-written and occasionally disturbing book about a very smart, very angry young man -- that was probably the book that stuck with me the most. Batwoman: Elegy is one of the most unique and beautifully drawn comics I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I read a really good book about two months ago.Tiger Moon by Michaelis Antonia is a book about adventure, friendship and a little bite of love. The main charter Frahad has to rescue a princess from a demon king but he can't because he is just a worstless peasant.But with the help from his friend Nitish the white tiger. See how this two different charters go on a adventure to save the princess before its two late.

Siva V. said...

Its a new year everyone so lets get up an read. I read a really good book in 2010 before the year was over. I read Tiger Moon by Michealis Anotonia. Tiger Moon is about a boy named Farhad who must rescue the princess. But Farhad can’t manage this task because he is just a peasant. But with the help from Nitish the white tiger you will read how they reach the princess or no.

Cillian W. said...

I tried reading the Lost Conspiracy a while ago and it was not exciting at all. I am trying to read it again, but I am also reading the book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. It overall is my favorite book of the year. Another book I really liked was Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander and The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I tried to get some of these books on the list at the library, but they didn't have them.

Nina S. said...

Yeah, I read “Smile” and it was great, but the book that stood out for me this year was Touching Snow because it was about a struggling family from Haiti and how they had issues assimilating and had domestic abuse from the husband. Also I am reading all the Narnia books and they are great. I love how the books have different characters but they all meld into the plot and work together. I just love fantasy fiction! <3

Brandon W. said...

One of the funniest book I read in 2010 is Rumo & his miraculous a work of monumental insanity and silliness

Gracie F. said...

I re-read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows after i saw the movie because after the big cliff hanger i knew i had to read it again before part two came out. Of course it was spectacular because J.K. Rowling is just that great. This book i did not cry as much in though, the first time i read it I was covered in tears. The one thing i wanted to point out was that a lot of people didn't like the ending but i disagree. I think that after all the suspense in each of the books that Harry Potter doesn't need to go out in a bang, I mean if i was Harry i would like a nice happy ending after all that... :) Anyway, BEST BOOOK OF MY LIFE... Just saying...